Wednesday, 16 April 2014

How Exciting...

Hi guys!
So, this is my first blog, and I thought I would give you a little insight into what it is (hopefully) going to be like. I guess I'm kind of giving you an insight in what topics I'm wanting to cover etc etc. I'm ridiculously excited about starting this up. I don't want to be 'just another fashion blog', I want to be a place to share not only my thoughts, opinions and reactions, but yours too!
I want to cover new beauty buys, and hot new trends, of both make-up and clothing, giving advise based on my own experiences and generally just trying to help!
I'll be doing hauls of the latest things I've bought and where I got them from!
I intend to get back to everyone and listen to feedback you give me to improve my blog!
If you need advise, I'll be right here! Honestly.

I'm going to try and post as often as possible, but at the moment I'm going through my A-Levels so its a very tough time, so please let me off if I miss a week!

Please follow my Instagram, at the moment it is more of a personal one, but it will be my main one i use for posting almost 'mini-blogs' and I will always try my best to reply to any comments and follow you guys back! It's @elle__louise (two underscores because someone already had that name!)

Everyone of you is precious, remember that!

Lots of Love
Elle X

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